These sweet & spicy mango tacos are a great vegetarian weeknight dinner. Spice to taste here, adding more or less chili powder, chile, and/or sriracha,...
Sometimes simple is better, and this Classic Meat Lasagna is just that. It's super easy to throw together quickly and it's super flavorful, hearty and...
If there was ever a recipe to make the man in your life ecstatic it is my Pan Seared Pork Chops with Beer. It is great for Father's Day, his birthday or...
Authentic Maultaschen just the way you know and love them from Germany! Save time by making and freezing the meat filling in advance, following our tips...
Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Peppers make a delicious vegetarian meal. Colorful bell peppers are sliced in half and stuffed with a cheesy broccoli and rice...
Make this delicious but easy paella for your next gathering. Our take on this classic grilled rice dish from Spain has shrimp and Andouille sausage over...
Quick, cheap and popular with both kids and adults alike, this homemade Salisbury Steak recipe makes for a fantastic midweek meal that's absolutely full...
Dress up frozen burritos with Easy Frozen Burrito Casserole. It goes beyond just making frozen burritos taste better - it will actually become a family...
Crock Pot Chipotle Chicken makes the perfect base for quesadillas, burritos, nachos, salads, or it's delicious served on a bun with coleslaw. Tender pieces...
Butter Sage Pork Chops are pan seared pork chops in a simple butter, garlic and sage sauce. Sear in cast iron and then finish in the oven for the best...
This deliciously tender Grilled Haddock (with lemon cream sauce) is a wonderfully light and tangy way to enjoy this fabulous sustainable cod relative!...
This Slow Cooker Lo Mein Recipe is quicker, easier, healthier, and dare I say . . . TASTIER than the traditional take out classic! Loaded with chicken,...
This recipe for roast turkey breast is the perfect simple roasted turkey for a holiday entree that you can easily prep no matter how much cooking or hosting...
Fassolia Piaz are white beans boiled and made into a salad. There are a lot of variations of this salad but we like it with tomatoes, onion, tuna, parsley,...
This copycat Panda Express Sweetfire Chicken Breast dish is made with crispy chicken with garlic, red bell peppers, onions and pineapples in a sweet and...
These tuna steak recipes are the best ways to serve this meaty, buttery fish! Try ahi tuna seared, grilled, in tacos and more. For all the recipes, see...
A hearty, flavorful lasagna filled with sausage and beef for the meat sauce. The creamy cheese layer has a blend of cottage cheese and ricotta mixed with...
These vegan fajitas are perfect for a quick and tasty home-cooked meal any night of the week. Marinate and cook up the veggies then serve hot with all...